
Remove Blemishes, Lesions, Lumps & Bumps

Not sure which treatment is right for your unwanted blemishes? Book a Free Skin Consultation below and we’ll have a chat to decide which one is for you!

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Do you suffer from those unsightly or bothersome skin blemishes such as:

  • Skin Tags
  • Thread Veins
  • Small Cysts
  • Age Spots
  • Moles (non-cancerous)
  • Scarring
  • Stretch Marks
  • Warts
  • Verrucae

… and other lesions, blemishes, etc

Any of these lesions can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Treatment is not available on the NHS as they are generally considered to be cosmetic. And over-the-counter treatments are often not effective.

Treatments for Blemishes, Lumps & Bumps

At Aesthetics Julie Edwards you can become blemish-free with no surgery, incisions or down time.

Plasma Pen

This treatment is carried out using the medical grade Plasma Pen. It’s non-invasive, quick and probably one of the most effective ways to get rid of blemishes.

You can get rid of many common blemishes with this procedure including:

  • Skin Tags
  • Thread Veins
  • Small Cysts
  • Age Spots
  • Moles- non-cancerous
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks


The Cryotherapy device emits a fine jet of super cold gas under high pressure and works with millimetre precision.


The device destroys the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. That means there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue. It’s so incredibly accurate and practical.

Over-the-counter freezing treatments have minimal freezing ability so often don’t work. The Cryotherapy device freezes to -47 degrees, so works every time.

There’s no pain and no downtime.

It’s perfect to treat:

  • Verrucae
  • Warts
  • Sunspots & pigmentation
  • Moles

Most blemishes can be removed in one quick treatment.

Please Note: Some blemishes may require a GP’s written consent prior to treatment.

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Frequently asked questions

Treatment with Cryotherapy or Plasma pen is not painful. In some sensitive areas a numbing agent may be applied.

You can usually continue with your daily activities immediately after treatment. There is often a scab left in the area, which resolves itself within a few days, depending on your own healing abilities.

This depends on the method of removal. In some cases, eg skin tags, milia, the lesion can be removed immediately. In other circumstances, eg verrucae, it may take a few weeks for the verrucae to disappear.

Blemishes can usually be completely removed in one treatment. Occasionally a second treatment may be required.

Prices vary depending on the type of blemish and the quantity to be removed. Prices start at £120. Please arrange for a Consultation for more accurate pricing.